BALLOOOONS from last nite and pretty little pink Hetty!
Nora n Nora's sister Elin made a wonderfull pizza before they left to the train station!
After saying goodbye to her sizz she met us on the buss station and we went to Mumbles with the rest of the old people in Swansea :) Score!
<3 Wicked people <3
Inga n her funny walk lolz
Special special people
We checked out a place for Noras next exhibition!
Dabba dee dabba daaai, dabba dee dabba daaai, dabba de dabba daaaaaai!"
Next location
Rapunzel liiike
"Oh, such a lovely view"
Helene beeing a banter n fooling Inga to think she's the one with the bus tickets!
She so fell for that old trick :D
Thanks for a løvli day in the sun, girlies! And to you other peeps Cheerio for now
Lol x